Fred’s Outpost, Marchington Lake
Our newly renovated, fully modern outpost cabin can accommodate up to 12 people. A flush toilet and shower are provided for your comfort and convenience. A perfect place for those who want to experience the solitude, tranquility of the Canadian wilderness but also have easy walking access to the main lodge and its amenities.

Sahlin’s Outpost, Marchington Lake
Our private outpost cabin which is totally separate and remote from the rest of the lodges is solar powered for maximum efficiency and modern convenience. It also offers an indoor washroom and shower, and can easily accommodate 12 people. The private beach and large deck are inviting places for you to relax after your day’s adventure on the water. Perfect for a lovely evening of stargazing or watching the Northern Lights.

Equipped For Your Adventure
If you chose to fish on our outlakes, boats and motors are waiting for you on the other side of the portage. The nice thing about our outlakes is that they are all accessible from the lodge by boat, and we do not charge extra for fishing on the outlakes.